rickshaw|rickshaws in English



jinricksha, small two-wheeled carriage pulled by men and used for transportation (in the Far East)

Use "rickshaw|rickshaws" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rickshaw|rickshaws" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rickshaw|rickshaws", or refer to the context using the word "rickshaw|rickshaws" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tomorrow, no rickshaw rent , but all rickshaws back by four.

2. • Distributes, e-rickshaws, pedal rickshaws.

3. A total of 101 e-rickshaws, 501 pedal rickshaws, and push-carts are being given as part of this initiative.

4. Phagu returned to the dang in the rickshaw.

5. Can we play for coppers? " one rickshaw man asked tentatively.

6. A writer in Kolkata told me, " When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws. "

7. All her life she would just be a rickshaw - puller's wife!

8. Back at the rickshaw yard, he slept numbly for two days.

9. Lackersteen leaned out of the rickshaw and called Agitatedly through the rain.

10. " You come to my place and want to pay the rickshaw fare?

11. That was all there was to the relationship between man and rickshaw.

12. They were all rickshaw pullers, why this division into high and low?

13. Before liberation he had to pull a rickshaw to earn a little money.

14. And out on the street, I ran into a group of rough men standing beside their bicycle rickshaws.

15. " The day after , my birthday, no one's to take out a rickshaw.

16. Several rickshaw men pulled up clamouring to know where he wanted to go.

17. Apart from himself and the concubine , it comprised a maid and a rickshaw puller - Xiangzi.

18. Like Dargah Quli Khan's friend Taqi, the figures in the rickshaw were all eunuchs.

19. Mr. Cao had the rickshaw repaired and didn't deduct the cost from Xiangzi's wages.

20. His father was a rickshaw puller, so every penny the family had was laboriously earned.

21. They are mainly rickshaw pullers, cart pullers and others who carry loads in the market place.

22. He must save up for his rickshaw , losing his temper would never fill his belly.

23. Because both puller and rickshaw are quite smart - looking they can still demand a respectable price.

24. Her bit of money would soon be spent and Xiangzi was nothing but a rickshaw puller.

25. Rickshaw paling was, to him, the ideal profession and quitting it meant giving up all hope.